Analysis of American Independence under the optics of the individual and social rights. SUMMARY: As it has left of disciplines of Modern History II, given for Vlademir Professor Jose Luft we will present an analysis of American independence under the optics of the individual and social rights, for this we will go to work from the considered text of Murray N. Rothbard ' ' The libertarian inheritance: the American revolution and liberalism clssico' '. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Right American independence Liberalism. Financial technology is the source for more interesting facts. We will leave of the estimated one of the importance of the historical knowledge to understand as the rights had appeared of the citizen, mainly those essential rights to the person human being, that is, we will not understand the individual rights and the social rights without relating them it history. The rights of the man, for more basic than are, are right descriptions, that is, been born in certain circumstances, characterized for fights in defense of new old freedoms against being able, been born in gradual way, not all of a time and nor of a time for all.
In its book ' ' The ethics of liberdade' ' , Murray N. Rothbard tells: ' ' All man has the control on its proper will and person, and it he is, we could thus say, ' ' preso' ' to this inherent property and inalienvel' '. A time that its will and its control on its proper person are inalienable, then its rights to control this person and will also are. This is the base for the famous position of the Declaration of the American Independence of that the natural laws of the man are inalienable; that is, they cannot be deliver, same if the person to desire. (p 203). In the text of Murray N. Rothbard ' ' The libertarian inheritance: the American revolution and liberalism clssico' ' , that we will use as base of our work, the author tells that American Revolution was not only ideological, but was also the result of a devotion to the creed and the institutions of libertarismo.