Earn Money Uploading Videos

Making a little history in regards to search engines know that the search engine Google is important on the Internet and we also know that Youtube is a google company, which now is youtube? It is a choice in terms of search and the result will be through videos, to give them a little information with regard to Youtube today is considered the third largest search engine, monthly searches approximate worldwide are google with 7,600 million searches, yahoo with $ 2.5 billion searches, youtube with 2,400 million searches. As you can see the searches on youtube is on its heels to yahoo by what soon won’t we surprise yotube to pass to the second place in regards to searches. AS DOES YOUTUBE? Works like google has a search box and the results will be presented in videos, the advantage of youtube is that videos that one lift will also appear on google search, our company for example has an account that is as follows: and many of our videos are better positioned in google than our pages and I mean positioning to the result of a search, for example if your going to google and you put in the search box how to earn money online my video are going to find on the first page of the search results, that we call it good positioning in search engines. THAT BENEFITS US WILL GIVE UPLOAD VIDEOS TO YOUTUBE? The benefits are many as the new trend in searches are videos, you just ask a question, if are interested in having information of how a product of your interest which is what would you prefer? read or watch a video where they explain exactly what you’re looking for. Today the internet is increasingly faster and watch the videos already isn’t as before you had to wait hours to it see that the connection was slow, things change very quickly and watching videos nowadays is much easier, now let’s say that you are interested in buying a product but want to see its functionality more secure It is that if you go to youtube and do the search you’ll find the result and you’ll be able to see product and are going to be able to make a better decision, now let’s get to the case that your bandage product and you’re who you made the video, people who watched your video and are interested in your product will be able to click on your link directing them to your website giving you the possibility to sell your product. Today there are many people who earn money using this great tool that is youtube. Another benefit is that those same videos which you have uploaded to youtube may be placed on your own web page, that is also a benefit since firstly it is much better when someone visits you because you can see a video of the product and secondly you will not occupy memory where you have hosting your website what you place on your web page is a HTML code and thats all. DO AS I EARN MONEY USING YOUTUBE?