Marking Technology Trade

Exclusive sales started early June 2011 after (Frankenthal(/Pfalz) PrintoLUX GmbH achieved a turnover growth of more than 100 percent in 2010 on the German market and thereby convinced a number of large corporations (including ABB, AUDI, BASF, BOSCH and Freudenberg) as users, art fertilizer GmbH it was close, aiming for internationalization. Inspired by the positive coverage in the business magazine brand one spoke to the corporate governance of the Merano art fertilizer GmbH in the spring 2011 PrintoLUX regarding a sales partnership focused on the Italian market. The talks quickly led to an agreement. Since June, 2011, all PrintoLUX systems and services in Italy are distributed exclusively through the art fertilizer GmbH. PrintoLUX the Italian distribution partner is an internationally successful company, whose core business is in development, production and distribution of high-quality management systems and product presentation systems. With more than 40 employees, you have two managing directors Christian Walzl and Adalbert Linter the company founded in 1995, made a solid medium size and already repeatedly demonstrated, to have a good sense of new ideas. The products designed by the company are regularly traded in 60-70 countries.

The inclusion of PrintoLUX in the portfolio of the art fertilizer GmbH as a challenge, for which we create their own spaces and therefore not insignificant train personnel,… invest PrintoLUX Managing Director Christian Walzl looks round out the portfolio. This commitment naturally joins with the conviction to create a promising round off our range of services by the innovative system of labelling. We design, develop, produce and distribute guidance systems, product presentation systems, and many elements of the store building. Since labels prominently large of course.” A great success held on the 10 the art fertilizer GmbH at their first sales event Headquarters in Silandro near Merano the first customer presentation by PrintoLUX. The event met with great interest and resulted in a number of sales calls. The PrintoLUX of idea of PrintoLUX has a system developed and patent pending, with the PrintoLUX certified materials made of metal and plastic in the maximum size 300 mm x 500 mm with a height of up to 140 mm can be digitally printed. The system is unique in the world and replaces previous methods, such as screen printing, engraving, laser and plotting in many application areas.