Middle Ages

The propagandists of cannabis called the drug "easy" and not addictive, although there are a lot of data about the development of addiction and the harmful effects on the body. But the worst consequence of consumption is more likely to switch from hemp (cannabis) on the "hard" drugs. Continue to learn more with: Evan Birnholz. Hashish, hashish oil and marihuana, are derived from the same plant – marijuana (cannabis). Using this plants are gone from the anesthetic in the Middle Ages and up to euphoric substances in our days. And today he drinking, and especially the promotion of legalization, it would be better to call a modern way of thinking, as there is ignoring the opinions of doctors about the harmfulness of the drug. Against blind denial harmfulness of cannabis, we once again answer the arguments of researchers of the drug on the body. Cannabis affects on intellectual ability.

Prolonged use leads to deterioration of memory, ability to understand, learn. Someone who uses cannabis, different anxiety disorders in the emotional sphere, the weakening attention, disconnected thought, erroneous uncritical attitude toward the native state. As a result of changing the physical reaction – is deteriorating response to external signals. Sometimes manifested delusional mania for people suffering from heart disease, cannabis use is fraught with serious consequences. Since the main way to use kannabissa – is smoking, the consequences of its use are bronchitis, pharyngitis and lung cancer. Cannabis lowers testosterone levels in men, which negatively affects sexual function. And women have disorders of ovulation. Drug use during gestation leads to developmental disabilities and early infant death.

Psychological dependence on cannabis develops gradually. Drug using a person becomes unwilling and apathetic, losing interest in everything. Most of the time he spends half asleep. Blunted emotions, there is a failure of concentration, chronic fatigue and frequent headaches. Despite the fact that a smoker at first glance is closed and quiet, he is emotionally unbalanced and prone to aggression. Cannabis, influencing changes in feelings, leads to visual impairment. So, for example, transportation management, after taking the drug is very dangerous. To the people who use this drugs are often accidents happen, because – for the wrong estimation of distances and slow reactions and lack of critical attitude to the real dangers. The propagandists of cannabis called the drug "easy" and non-addictive, although there are a lot of data about the development of addiction and the harmful effects on the body. But the worst consequence of drinking is more likely to switch from cannabis more "heavy" drugs. But experiments with more powerful and dangerous drugs, in most cases lead to the development of severe dependence, causing far more serious consequences, and treatment of drug addiction such level is not possible outside of specialized clinics.