Average Age

According to LAUAND, ' ' The quaestio disputata, integrates the proper essence of the scholastic education. It was not enough to listen to the exposition of great books of the thought occidental person for a master; it was essential that the great ideas if examined critically in dispute. the disputatio, in the conception of Pieper, exceeds the organizacional scope of studium medieval and in general arrives until constituting the proper essence of the university ' '. Thus, we see that the basic one in the Average Age was not to prove or to disapprove the thought of each pupil or author, but the objective age to give voice to these so that then the thought safer, more was based, because ahead in the way as the questions were displayed, had a certainty of what he was considered right or wrong for each master who if considered to teach its pupils. All ' ' quaestio disputata' ' it follows standard the same, as LAUAND affirms, ' ' A quaestio disputata is dedicated to a subject and is divided in articles, that correspond the chapters or aspects of this subject. For detrs of? pedagogical technique? it is a spirit: the quaestio disputata, …, translate the proper idea of inteligibilidade, at the same time that of incompreensibilidade, of thought? negative? , also established in the Verbum. Looking for to propagate in method vocation of polifnico, first dialogue enunciates it thesis of each article (under the controversy form) and the quaestio starts for giving voice to the adversary for obiectiones, objections to the thesis that the master intends sustentar' '. still according to LAUAND, ' ' after the objections, arise against-objections (fast and prompt sentences harvested for the thesis of the article). After to hear these voices, the master thematically displays its thesis in the body of the article, the responsio (solution).

Medical Technology

The ethics that do not serve to become the life more human being are as the medicine that does not serve for curar.’ ‘ (Bakshtanovski) The biotica is a chapter of the ethics (Pegoraro, 2006). An attempt disciplines to define it would be reducionista, then the simplista definition will be used that has left of the etimologia: bios-ethos, or, ethics of the life. The genealogy of disciplines is marked by the entitulado book ‘ ‘ Biotica: a bridge for futuro’ ‘ of Van Rensselaer Potter, published in 1971. According to Diniz and Guilhem, 2007, the biotica of Potter would have to be one disciplines capable to follow the scientific advance, with an ethical, exempt look of moral interests. The advance each faster time of the technological knowledge caused the sprouting of unexpected moral quandaries, in special related the practical doctor. The biotica would bring a reply of the ethics to these quandaries. However, it is not this what it comes occurring, considering that the moral is relative and dynamic.

In a perspective historical, in the decade of 1970, the government of the studious United States congregated a group of inquiring abuses committed in the medical area, and the result of this study was known as Belmond Report, of 1978, where three ethical principles had been elect (respect to the people, or autonomy, justice and beneficence). For being a branch of the ethics that question problems of the biotechnology, then if it characterizes for one disciplines unstable and to interdisciplinar (Pegoraro, 2002; Hottois, 1995). Pegoraro (2002) affirms that, historically, the biotica is a chain of thought worried essentially about three subjects: The tecnocientficas discoveries, characterized for the ambivalence of science and the technique. The main question of this subject: everything what can be made by science must be made? Echo-ethics, characterized for the concern with the environment where they are born, live and die the alive forms; The relation of the tecnocincia with the three forms of life, characterized for questionings related to the genetic manipulation of plants and animals, also the man.