Virtual Office

Advice for the manpower level for a virtual office These advice will help you to deliver successful and profitable attacks as far as the virtual workers. Each virtual office has specific problems because its equipment is made up of virtual workers come from several parts of the world. The different time zones, the barriers of the language, the ethnic origin and the habits of work can cause that the management of the virtual office is incredibly difficult. Here we give some advice you for your personnel of virtual office. 1. To know how where to look for.

When you look for virtual workers you must know how where to look for. You can look for by your own account in spaces as Twitter and Craiglist or can prove a service of virtual manpower like Guru, Elance, equipment of Double Click and others. Surely thus you will be able to find the type of person that you look for. 2. It looks for in them ready of independent workers. Many virtual workers feel ignored. So what you must look for they are people who are customary to work by his account and they do not become vulnerable to the perceived isolation.

3. You can look for equipped workers. You need to find people who are able to work effectively in apoyarte. Therefore, you need a computer with the software that your workers need, as well as a good connection to Internet. 4. It develops effective techniques of management. Many of the classic principles of management are applicable in the force of virtual work, although the productivity yes is more difficult. He is then that the communication is essential. It is necessary to establish criteria for the communication with your workers. Pregntales which is its opinion about the virtual workers, the projects and the assigned tasks. 5. It chooses the project of appropriate software of management. If you execute the management of projects of software in your own servant or you subscribe to a lodged service, you must choose between the options that could include camping bases. According to the industry, it even can have options of project management that adapt especially for each work. 6. It avoids the operation. Many virtual workers are in underdeveloped countries, in which manpower is habitually exploitable. Normally the virtual workers base their virtual office on principles morals that respect the human rights. 7. Pursuit of use of software. You can handle the working time through electronic registries of entrance and exit or could decide on the use of management solutions of time, such as a variety of solutions that can be executed in your own servant. 8. To foment the interaction. The virtual office is like a traditional office, unless people are very far. Like work leader, you must animate to your virtual equipment to interact together, as one would become in any other company. 9. It looks for associate virtual workers. Like director of a virtual office, they ten in account that you are part of an increasing number of people who gain the life in not-traditional forms. The challenge of a force of virtual work is, as already you know, to only do the work. nete to a network so that you know more people like. Before finalizing they ten in account that the operation of a virtual office is not a easy task, so it uses these advice so that you handle to your personnel of office of successful way.