Ben Schwan on Technology

Elegance, perfection and ease as stimulus Hannover/Barcelona, February 2009 – no electronic device has in the past ten years a such success behind him like the mobile phone, noticed Ben Schwan in its technology review blog. \”The portable devices, packed with electronics, are now high-performance computer in mini format: built-in cameras take pictures or videos, the microphone takes voice messages, with the browser to go to the Web, with the E-Mail software you will remain constantly in contact with the Office\”, Swan writes. However, the beautiful and new world of function is ignored by most owners. A survey of the consulting firm Mformation among mobile phone users in the United States and Britain came to a clear result: 4,000 representative selected survey respondents are dissatisfied with the usability of mobile phones. Therefore dominate always still the classic voice telephony Internet applications appear as too complex. 95 percent of those surveyed would like to use data services, but gave for the record, that the installation was too heavy.

The establishment of a new device is considered as the biggest problem. What actually bring joy should be, namely unpacking a brand new gadget acquisition, surprisingly often become the nightmare\”, commented Swan. So, 85 percent of respondents are frustrated by the hurdles for the commissioning of the mobile phone. Nearly two-thirds see it as a challenge as change the Bank. \”What self-critical reflection should the developer scene is the following sentence from the investigation: If an application not in the first or second time to function, it is not used.\” The many problems in the furnishing of cell phones would now cause that engages the industry with special services. Some mobile phone dealer offer to frustrated customers of Exchange services, where guests bring his old phone in the store, where an employee then still empty the data using a memory from reader on this new device transmits\”, as Swan.