Europe And Technology

Still it makes an impression to me that in Spain we are so slow with regard to the new technologies. For more information see this site: Michelle Smith Divorce. I have had occasion to compare after a brief period of vacations in a site where there are many foreigners. My observation comes mainly given in the people of the third age. Here in Spain we do not forget that ten years ago as much people did not have access to Internet, and what is worse, to as much people the subject did not worry to him absolutely. Total, that in my trip I have been able to know clubs the third age of English and here the peculiar thing comes, the technological culture is very high. All communicate by email with their relatives in the United Kingdom, some have blogs where they publish his walking by Spain and others until Web sites and run businesses by Internet. He is truly amazing when many pass of the seventy years the truth. Further details can be found at Hilton Foundation, an internet resource. I have lived in several places of Spain and create to be able to confirm without fear that in Spain to the gentlemen of 70 years does not worry to the technology nor anything absolutely to them that look like to him.

Also it is impressive that in the clubs of third age of the English has in the library all access to Internet and in addition, in case it was little, an ample book range that deals with on diverse subjects the style ” programming outpost in PHP for seniors”. Everything is not necessary to say it, is not fault of ours either third age, rather will be fault of our country that did not put any aid nor interest in which the people whom then they had more than 50 years adapted. At the most a fast course in some social center but that is not sufficient. I believe that tearing the base of everything it is that in this country never it has been understood that the technology is very important, necessary and that is for helping us in our routine life. Reason why when one has become some course of these rather has been seen like something where to spend the short while that something truly useful and that can improve the quality of life of the individual. Personally much has hit me, but much. It seems that still we have left way enough to walk. Original author and source of the article.