The success or the danger is not in the technological apparatus, but in the use that of it if makes. moment that however the society lives is being marked for the advent of practical of digital reading and writing. This certainly leads professors, pupils and the school to a different state or condition of those practised in the letramento of the culture printed in the paper. Now a new space appears of reading and writing – the screen of the computer – this new context, this new culture not only takes educating to be alfabetizado, but yes, to be scholar. The technology brought obtains a new form to educate, where it can apply tools that they exceed to the pure and simple writing as if it was accustomed.
This new educational culture facilitates the production of texts for an agreement that can be produced and be partilhado simultaneously and collectively. It is a new form of writing, and communication of the society of the information. In the field of the education, the structure of hipertexto facilitates the mediation for the production of the knowledge and implies new forms to read, to write, to think, and to learn. The hipertextualidade this related with the forms to produce and to organize the knowledge, in the virtual space, substituting existing established conceptual systems already for modern tools: sites, we, links and nets. The necessary school to deal with this situation of form to promote the insertion of the pupil in this new age, called cibercultura. Hipertexto is a media online structuralized in composed net of us that they are each unit of information and linking such as: words, pages, images or part of images that offer ' ' navegador' ' different passages of reading. The researcher of hipertextos must have more partilhados knowledge, more attention, and constant decision so that the research is productive and it constructs in these virtual pages, its trajectory of reader leaving the traditional system of reading imposed for the culture of the paper printed matter, making possible its projection in another reality interconnecting themselves in ciberespao, trying new form to objective read and to manipulate the elements that integrate a virtual text.