Mayor Students

College grows 500 SRH Rector welcomed on 570 students at the 23.09. Prof. Dr. Joachim Opitz the new freshmen in his presence and in the dual study on the SRH University of Logistics Economics and Hamm in the Heinrich-by Kleist Forum. The remote students were already located on last Saturday.

After the welcoming words of Rector Opitz and the greetings of the hammer Mayor and member of the high schulrates Thomas Hunsteger-Petermann, the Chairman of the academic society of Hamm (AGH), Markus Kreuz and the Deputy Chairman of the ER ANUS Forderverein of SRH the professors Prof. Dr. Frank Czaja freshly appointed in the last semester, the Deans of the faculties of Prof. Czaja (Logistics Department), Prof. Dr.

Dragos Saracsan and Prof. Dr. Jens Schaffer were college Hamm, Dr. Britta Obszerninks, Presented to Prof. Hinrichs (Department of energy) and Prof. Kirst (Department of management), and the present professors. The former IT trainees acquired from the College Anja K.e, explained the issue of for freshmen of free Tablet PSs type surface RT. “This not only books provided the hammer SRH industrial engineering students electronically available, but matching all students Tablet PCs. Thus we not only actively contribute to protecting the environment, but pushing the multimedia capabilities of our students”, Opitz established this unique action of a college. Opitz said in particular that students should focus at first on the study: A work week has 5 working days and every one of them 8 hours. This makes 40 working hours per week in total. If you consistently use this time, you have a very good chance to reach your conclusion in the rule study period”. The Erstis for a Kennlernrunde were divided after the greeting in the respective subject area groups. Now it’s way once a week in the acclimation phase. This Kennlernaktionen should promote the formation of the team. For the first week of the Student Council and professors have a so-called Made first semester week. With numerous events, trips, excursions and visits by hammer, facilities prepared the new students on their academic life. The Student Council has prepared two parties where to learn be deepened and a sense of well-being will be achieved. After all, a very special phase of their life starts here,”Opitz addressed his words to the new students. You have now to the ability we set the foundations for a successful future.” In total, the number of students on the SRH thus grows College Hamm by 15% to 570 students. In 2013 have to the SRH College Hamm in the Bachelor engineering thus recorded logistics 69 students graduated in the field of industrial engineering energy 50 students, and in Betriebswirtschatfslehre / management 30 students. In the Masters after the SRH University Hamm 21 students on. 82 Students in his presence, 5 in the dual degree and 62 in the distance learning are distributed on the forms of study. “Especially pleased, that we both received significant increases in the areas of logistics, energy, as well as management” explained Opitz and added: “but that is not all. Experience has shown that there are always a few stragglers who decide only during the Erstiwoche for a study. We expect therefore slight adjustments upwards. “.” In part of the first-year welcome College were awarded two long-standing SRH lecturers who have taken College Hamm deserves to SRH, on decision of the Tribunal of the SRH the Honorary Professor: Prof. Dr. Norbert Muller (52), world hazardous goods officer of DB Schenker AG in Essen and Prof. Dr. Lutz construction bar, Coordinator of the SRH teaching at the Leipzig location