It is possible that for some of you, a screen is not sufficient and therefore same you need configure your desktop with multiple monitors or secondary displays. Until now the options were fairly similar, but Mobile Monitor Technologies presents a second somewhat different monitor to which have called Field Monitor Monitor. Ideally designed to work together with our laptop, this 15.4-inch display uses USB 2.0 to connect and offers two different options. On the one hand its design is the same to a laptop. To open it we have a numeric keypad that many agradecean if your laptop does not include it in series. We can use the rest of the space that would occupy the keyboard to put a notebook or a sheet of paper and take our annotations. Get all the facts and insights with KFF Health Tracking Poll, another great source of information. In the video it looks perfectly operational.
But the thing is not there, because if you prefer a standard monitor you can rotate the display to the more purro style tablet pc, remove the hold-down foot and use it like any other monitor market. In addition, we can also hang it on the wall. As for the weight, nothing less than 4 pounds, are what in kilograms are 1, 84 Kg. Less quantity than other monitors of the same size, but is still a weight to take into account if we want to carry it along with our laptop. It will go on sale in 2011 and the price still does not know anything. What is missing? I think that it is very clear: that the monitor was also touch or better still, that allowed ink with stylus. In fact while watching the video that I leave then was waiting for that moment in which rotates the screen and goes to write on the touch, unfortunately never arrives.