Tax tips – Advisor of the academic Association reveals as Mannheim, August 18, 2010. Even ecological electricity worth continue. Although the remuneration rates for fed a stream of new plants by 13 per cent have fallen through the amended renewable energies law (EEG). And a further reduction to three percent is already intended for October 1, 2010. At the same time, the amendment from 1 July 2010 foresees but also a higher remuneration of internally consumed electricity. Who is so clever, reports its plant until September 30. Good tips and information on facility planning, incentive measures and current tax tax tips new Advisor photovoltaic and cogeneration (CHP) delivers “the academic working group, a brand of Wolters Kluwer Germany GmbH.” 14.80 euro, the Advisor advises green electricity producers in all relevant areas. Just been released figures of the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) show, that own eco-electricity production is still attractive.
The Federal Network Agency recorded alone for the period January to May 2010 is a performance extension of 1.7 gigawatts. About the same height, so the Federal Agency estimates alone in the month of June was added (1). Who operates their own photovoltaic (PV plant) or plans the purchase of should have knowledge not only about the current legal situation. In advance, information technology, finance and funding opportunities are necessary and useful. And even after successful ‘on the network go’ further formalities come up to the operator. So, it is important to know how the PV system at the tax office must be registered correctly both the current legislation being informed, and know about. The Chief Advisor to photovoltaic and cogeneration (CHP) “gives information about all changes in the EEG, which have entered into force as of July 2010.” On over 100 pages, tips, checklists and information help the construction and financing of the PV system. Also I work out issues such as must-have for feed business login?”how safe I right promote me or save taxes?”.