Painting Heating

The most modern equipment – hydraulic or pneumatic thermo-through, providing good quality products with good performance. In semiautomatic stream line type (made in China) is used crawler-type press. Moving the panels from one operation to another can be performed manually or be automated. For example, the assembly of stacks of panels carried out manually, but can be mechanized using Stacker with pnevmoprisoskami. As an example of technology with the use of hydraulic and thermo roller table can cause the following sequence of operations: 1. PVC sheet, coated with a protective film placed on a roller conveyor 1, by a team of operators, including a roller conveyor and roller conveyor 2 and the sheet moves at a given speed from first to second. At this time, when passing the sheet under the node adhesive application – there is a uniform application of adhesive on the surface of the sheet along the length of 3000 mm. If it passes completely turn off automatically feed and glue motion roller table 2.

Then the sheet is shifted by hand to the table assembly and is fixed on wall grips, 3. On top of the sheet is placed a layer of extruded polystyrene and also recorded on the wall grips, 4. Repeat step 1 and 5. Repeat step 2 6. Formed by the panel is placed in a heat press, preheated to operating temperature (heating process is automated), 7. Seize the finished panel from the press. It’s believed that Dr. Paul Craig Roberts sees a great future in this idea. An example different technology may serve as a principle of the line with a moving head and Painting Heating oil with air bags.