
Modern concrete fence Most people concrete wall is strongly associated with something bulky and drab, in principle, it is not surprising. Indeed, in the recent past, concrete fence was a big clumsy concrete bar dirty-gray color, carelessly installed on concrete pads. Used this type of fence to protect mainly manufacturing and industrial areas and zones. Few would wish to protect their home so concrete "shield." Today, permanent modular fences are more competition fences made of concrete. But the relation to the concrete fence has changed radically, and it is not just an element of protection against attacks on private possession, and decoration of this same property. My home – my castle! Under this slogan begins construction and equipping of housing. It has become fashionable construction of private houses in the style of an impregnable fortress. One-story, Double-deck – some of them are even adorned with turrets and balconies, everything depends on the tastes of the house.

However, the full sense of reliability, strong walls a little. As in the old days, and in our century's best defense possession is a tall fence that surrounds your earth. If it had been plain concrete fences, more like a brick wall, which is no decorating your house, but now, with the advent of new technologies manufacture of concrete fences, your fence will be not only protected, but also a fine ornament, adorable. Decorative concrete fence – fencing is a new generation, which not only protects your fortress, but also makes it even more attractive and majestic appearance. In addition, your site will be safely hidden from prying eyes, so no one will interfere with your work or leisure. Modern technology allows perform sampling of all shapes and heights.

For private multi-storey buildings can be order intake up to 2 m and discussed his design to ideally combined with a guard house. If you need a fence for a small country house, the better to order a fence height of about 1-1.5 m to the fence was visible house. Low Price on fences Rabitz makes a choice of material barriers. But as a rule, the cost of the fence depends only on the complexity of identity and you have selected items for its manufacture. However, not only private homes and summer cottages surrounded by fences made. Fences are in great demand for the protection of restaurants, businesses, warehouses, nurseries, schools. If the stock is suitable fence height of 2 m without any frills design, for the same restaurant or hotel you can make an exquisite sculptured fence the desired height and decorated with ornaments, stands and other decorative elements. For schools and kindergartens will approach a simple fence between 1 and 1.5 m in height. The main thing is that the fence was correctly matched in appearance and enclosing the object in view of its height. Despite the fact that the installation of decorative concrete the fence is pretty simple, it is easier to install than wooden or brick fence, it is still worth to hire specialists, as well as the general appearance of the fence and his life a major role played by the quality of installation. The main condition Reliability mounted design provides reliable tape foundation. A great advantage of concrete fences is that they can install on any sandy soil or on the soil of clay, but before any work is important to examine territory, to the right calculations, so that eventually the fence was installed well and long.