Scotsman Adam Smith

However, the inherited traditional experiences of previous generations (without which had not come to where we are) does not contain, sometimes, the indispensable contribution of the experience of spirituality for the institutionalization of Ecumenical citizenship rights and duties, to be developed in the third millennium, essential to establish a really new and promising paradigm in social, economic and political fieldsphilosophical, religious, ecological, educational, artistic, sports and so on. The human being is not just statistical. In the clash of cultures that some expected, with intensity increasing, for the 21st century, the question is never despise the many opportunities of development for the common good that modern technology offers us. It is convenient, however, act in a way that, pari passu, the advances of knowledge contemplate mechanisms that expand solidarity, in the effective fight against moral and spiritual poverty that affects the prosperity of any society. Thats thinking ecumenically at the effective solution of the distribution of income and democratic access to education, for example, whose absence, at present, apprehends destitute, by the ORB, entire populations. A real lack of respect for human dignity. It should give redoubled attention to what you recorded, so many years ago, the Scotsman Adam Smith (1732-1790).

Said the father of political economy: poverty anyone defiles, but is incomodisima. Happens, however, that there is an aggravating factor in all that, my dear Adam, that is demonstrated in this warning of Gandhi, the liberator of the India: the greatest crime is hunger. The Mahatma rightly given that hunger and the consequential diseases that fold down to millions around the globe every year are a silent genocide. There is no good regime while the man is bad. We can observe, in the between the lines of this tragedy that we see the world, a message written with very strong ink: as well as hunger * 4, fear is bad counselor.