Silo architectures reduce success London/Dusseldorf equal two new studies show that companies that waive integrated communication and collaboration technologies, take large competitive disadvantages. So, the Butler Group studies have shown that the communications infrastructure, how it has evolved over the past 20 years, is outdated. Silo architectures”hinder the work and reduce the flexibility. You need nowadays modern collaboration tools, to exist in the world of work in the knowledge occupations”, staff expert Udo Nadolski by the Dusseldorf consultancy Harvey Nash confirms de. The market researcher Frost & Sullivan prove that collaboration ability of company for 36 percent of the performance of is responsible. The strategy has the success only to 16 percent. Today, a company must be regarded as the sum of its successfully solved tasks. But that Task management is done with tools that are over 20 years old for the part.
“This leads to E-Mail floods, senseless Conference marathons and telephone voting Orgies, which are counterproductive in the sum, because they hold the project as well as the working level of the actual work: exercise to solve”, so Exsolut Chief Karl-Heinz Land. Only a central job Portal could provide a remedy. “Modern task portals take advantage of Web services and other dynamic technologies and can provide at all times a real image of the situation instead of obsolete snapshots ‘ management and employees at any time have up-to-date information for decision-making”, land says. Tasks could be done so faster and identified the problems sooner. By Gunnar Sohn