
In this paper we propose an analysis of the worldwide work of Dr. Ramon has done, it will find that describe key elements which are the basic principles on which it is based holistic education is the education of XXI century. Holistic education brings a new opportunity to see our future, a different way of knowing what is in essence we are, what we should be and probably (if applicable in a real way our whole theory of holistic education in all aspects ) in the not too distant future we must be. This view found in the holistic paradigm, breaks with the mechanistic science, its principles are based on an understanding of reality, based on a unit, a totality, in a qualitative development, a trans-disciplinarity, a spirituality and aprendizaje1. These principles bring us a structure that allows us to immediately integrate our real world, the world is not fragmented, where all belong to all and we are all one with the different view of our universe will be more aware, more responsible and more loving with all that surrounds us integrate so that we understand the reality of our existence and the universe. That is why the holistic view is an appreciation of science and life at the same time, scientific and spiritual, integrates human knowledge in a culture of wisdom, combining science, art, tradition and spirituality. In this new paradigm, science and spirituality are supplementary searches, where spirituality is a process of deep self-knowledge, is the search for order in our consciousness. . Adroll Marketing Platform helps readers to explore varied viewpoints.

Stress In Teaching

Between some transformations that the current world has lived deeply the globalization perhaps it is the one that more impact has caused in all the sectors of the modern society, especially in the economy sector. The world has suffered modifications from technological, scientific, cultural matrix, politician, economic and social. Such context compelled the companies if to reorganize and if to modernize with the intention of if keeping and being able to compete in the market. All these transformations happened in the world have collaborated for the increase of the violence, unemployment and, especially of the social exclusion. All these factors have contributed of very intense form so that the quality of life if it becomes each more inferior time, and the level of stress in the individuals each raised time more, thus compromising, the health and the welfare, beyond promoting negative consequences in the work environment. In the current society, this subject (stress) comes occupying space for quarrels in the diverse areas of the knowledge. Such phenomenon, for excellency, more became one of main the cause of concern of the industrialized societies, promoting low a significant one in the quality of life of the people, and already an authentic social problem and of public health for century XXI is considered.

Who a time or another one in the life did not try this sensation! To make a test, called being (a) the attention for somebody, to be behind to arrive at one definitive place, at last, is diverse the situations that can unchain stress in the individual. Many times the conditions of work and the requirements imposed to the individual for the inquietveis changes of the modern life are .causing of stress. The more vulnerable people are each time the situations that can be considered sources of physical and mental consumings for the fact to be integrant part of a society where the changes occur of fast and diverse form.

Digital Natives

The society contemporary is living the age of the technology and medias that if evolve the all instant. The information arrive in will mutiro and transmitted in real time. The world is not the same, the society is not more the same one. The technological culture caused, therefore, changes also in the characteristics and positions of the individuals. Specialists confirm the sprouting of more global, visual people and that they aim at the praticidade: digital natives, children who had been born already with the existence of the computer that they are unaware of a world where she does not have Internet, cellular, control remote, Orkut, etc.

Adolescent and young that likes to make some things at the same time. from this context, appears a challenge for the school, as to guide its pupils to manage as many information. Old, the knowledge was withheld for a minority, and the professors were detainers of knowing. Today with the resource of the Internet he is possible to find answers for any questioning easily. Given the displayed one, the school also becomes preponderant that if it evolves that it searchs new methodologies that conquer its educandos and construct in them the ability to criticize, to observe and to contextualizar the concepts. Since this is the function of the school to lead the pupil to recognize that nor all the information are true. More than what never the necessary school to be mediating of the process teach-learning so that the pupil does not lose the focus and its objectives.

The Work

According to Goulart (2001, P. 19) ' ' if the child will be in the intuitivo level, however, will be preferable that she uses structuralized games and activities, capable to take the formation of simple concepts and to the acquisition of some aptides' '. From there the necessity of the creativity in the education. The capacity to create is the proper activity of the brain to produce new knowledge, to connect information stored with new comments and fondness ' ' brincar' ' with them. To create is the natural state of the man, it widens, continuously its knowledge, preventing itself for future, thus making one ' ' daily pay-correo' '. It does not have people that they are born more creative than others, but exist people that if accomodate in the known world already and ' ' seguro' '. To create demands transformation, is necessary to abandon the old one and to go in search of new and this, ace times, is painful. The creation process is always an effort, but it must be motivated by the pleasure to create.

Many times the necessity is that it generates the motivation and some creative solutions come of problems that the men face. The great inventions and technological innovations had appeared from problems of the humanity. All we have a little of creativity, but she is necessary to observe existing ideas and concepts already and to form new ideas, that in them also bring benefits and to the society. We are living at a time where if it makes necessary to go in search of new concepts and methods for education, the work in the institutions, etc. the Psicopedaggica tool Thus, the psicopedagogia appears to assist, therefore in the truth education must be a facilitador to the process of development and learning and not accelerator. The work of psicopedagogo is including and happily we can observe some conquests, and in accordance with the author: ' ' Psicopedagogo needs to assume itself of the flexibility abilities, empatia waist game, to consquistar its space of performance, revealing a mediator and ally to the necessities of the citizen, the school and famlia.' ' (OAK; CUZIN, 2008, p.21).

Planning Important

Modern man is increasingly acute shortage of time. Perhaps everyone would agree that he needs to add a few hours in a day or several days a week. Want to sleep, time to read a lot of literature to visit several places at once. For people engaged in science as a profession is particularly relevant. What should I do? An excellent way – to calm down and plan your time. For Planning is useful to define the importance of facing your problems. All tasks can be divided into three groups: the first level of problem for which the highest priority task in the second level, whose priority is lower, but they are important for you and the third group – the tasks that could be postponed for some time.

Value problems in the group must meet the normal distribution: 25% 50% 25%. This is a rather simplistic approach, but it works. Respectively to be allocated and time. 25% of the most important problem, 50% of the tasks with lower priority and 25% of the tasks with the lowest priority. Thus, all problems will be solved gradually and have been posted yet will not 'sink'. However, that would not remain unsubstantiated cite a few examples.

You write a dissertation. Goal – to write and defend a thesis. This goal can be divided into several tasks: 1. the most urgent and important task: to prepare and deliver candidate examinations. About how they sit there, for example, the article 'How to quickly prepare for candidate examinations in History and Philosophy of Science? ". Template for the delivery of other examinations in general similar. On this task should be given 25% of time each day to the winning date. 50% must be spent on carrying out practical work, the writing of findings and publication of articles. Where to publish articles? Excellent option may become a collection of participants some of the conference. It is necessary to search them online. For psychologists, there are a few specialized sites. For example, phlogiston or news from the world of psychology. There you can find a suitable thesis topic for the conference and register as a participant. I am sure that other areas there are many such conferences. 25% must be left to the review of the literature on the issue. However, it must comply with the proportion and attention to solving problems every day. A little bit, but necessary. Of course, each person can have in its approach and its priorities in the distribution of tasks. However, it is important to plan the work and to separate important from less important tasks.


Increased risk of such a device makes the company to spend extra funds, increasing the cost of the product. Moreover, such a machine is unable to produce shaped cutouts, and the quality is not subjected to strict monitoring, as the laser cutting of metal. Laser cutting of metal – is the maximum reliability and maneuverability minimal error. Thus, we have a whole series of arguments in favor of the preferences of such an operation as laser cutting of metal at the expense of cutting a metal or abrasive material. Waterjet cutting of metal, as well as laser cutting, was the result of the latest scientific developments in the field of industrial production. Compared with laser cutting, water jet cutting metal has its advantages and disadvantages, depending on the complexity of specific cases, treatment of the material makes the laser or waterjet cutting metal more or less applicable.

In each case, apply one or other method of cutting metal. The essence of such an operation, as water jet cutting of metal, is as follows. The water in the tank unit is pumped to high pressure (about 4000 bar), then enters the tube, tapering to the end and ending with the cutting dyuzoy diameter 0,5 mm. A powerful jet of water at the outlet has a speed of about 1000 meters per second. Breaking out of the nozzle, the water enters the mixing chamber, where it are mixed particles of solid substance, usually granitic sand. Pressure of the powerful jets in conjunction with scratching the material cut metal, and the quality of this cutting is much higher than the cutting quality by machining.

As laser cutting, water jet cutting metal allows complex elements, cut out small parts of any given contour. Another unique advantage of this method of processing, such as water jet cutting metal, is that the process occurs with minimal heat. This not only increases the safety of the water-jet cutting, but also allows you to cut parts whose production does not fit the effect of high temperatures. Even though materials such as tempered glass and solid metals are not amenable to waterjet cutting of metal, this method is, nevertheless, is today one of the most high-tech methods modern industry. Waterjet cutting of metal today – is the result of the method of water jet processing of materials in general. Continuous development and the constant evolution of the method waterjet cutting allows a certain degree of probability suggest that in the future will also solve the problem cutting hard metals and tempered glass.

Russian Women

" Alas, such is not love, not only children. bathroom But Russian women work not only interfere with their own ambitions. As we often have? From morning till evening the hostess prepares, washes, cleans, scrape – from the house all shiny and she herself in a filthy robe and, forgive me, it smells of it is not fresh. Such untidiness may deter not only her husband what had once loved to write our women's magazines, but also the employer. Surprisingly, with such an abundance deodorants, gels and sprays, shampoos and soaps of different – and that, in the apartment, as a rule, 2-3 bathrooms, our women and are not accustomed to use them. Owners themselves are very clean – wash five times a day in summer, when hot, just out of the shower did not get out. A personal cleanliness – one of the main requirements for candidates for the position of the baby-sitters.

A child with a nanny all day, and if she, for example, secretly smoke a cigarette anywhere or used to go to bath once a month and sleep falls unwashed, and gets greasy – it passed the smell and the baby. There is even a saying: "The child smelled baby-sitters." No, once you do not get fired, at first simply recommend more often to wash, but if you do not listen to this advice, will have to find a place for people suffering from chronic runny nose and such, I should say very little. In principle, you can arrange your life.

Teach Work Computer

The problem is that you need to make the computer work group for 10.8 listeners minimum period – 2 weeks. This problem can be solved only by computer courses for beginners in specially equipped classrooms. All the challenge is to build a sequence of development of the material so that you can at each session to learn new material without a specific theories and cast of unknown terms. It is very important sequence of study. The classic approach – in the forehead as in the textbook does not pass. Typically, this is such a sequence. The architecture of a PC. And the story begins on the CPU, memory, input output, etc.

Pronounced weight of words that a beginner can not understand. Operating system. And the full program – the interface, folders, files, desktop settings, software installation. Again the same thing – mass of unfamiliar words and concepts. Normal this person does not understand even if you show on the screen – everything is strange. An important rule of training – the natural sequence of the material. The idea is that a person sits down at the computer and have it appear concrete challenge: to start the program, turn on the computer, enter text, etc. to formulate and solve this problem should be a teacher.

The teacher should explain the new term only when a student ran into him in the process on his instrument. For example, about the files and folders need to say only after the student entered my paper tomorrow and he needs to work with him, so somewhere to save it. A natural question to? It was then teacher explains that there is a computer memory such syakaya, folders and files. The most important thing to explain when the student is necessary, he can not continue without it! And when the student will create its own folder, and put her back document with the correct name – will then begin to understand. But understand, maybe not right away. And if even realize that tomorrow will forget. This is the same for him completely new concept! So little just to understand – to the new concept was mastered and used by a student on their own. This requires the repeated recurrence of material. To fix the font size setting that the student must make himself 50 times, preferably not in one day. Like all obvious – the repetition of the mother of learning. Easy to say, but how? A good option for computer courses to create special documents (assignments, exercises) that can be applied to your document mastered techniques repeatedly. Performing these exercises bring the development of techniques to automatism. In addition, these exercises can be copied onto a disk and student will repeat the stuff at home! Individual houses will increase the efficiency training to 100%. With the passage of material you can use two basic forms of training. Teacher presents new material, and the whole group performs together with his instructions. The whole group is given the task to independent work. Best of all, the implementation exercise. In the process, you should always create your own, and not abstract, but real instruments. Well, if the computer courses using a selection of related the general idea of the actual office documents.