Product Presentation: Pharma-dispenser VPHD

ViscoTec presents the new pharmaceutical dispenser VPHD with endless piston-principle for a gentle dosing and filling of medical products. Today, highly precise dosages in the micro are requirements imposed on pumps for the fields of medicine, biotechnology and analysis technology to ML and minimum flows. These requirements to better meet and all advantages of the endless piston-to be able to use that principle ViscoTec has developed the pharmaceutical dispenser. So, a high priority was assigned to the pharmagerechten design. All metal surfaces are polished and have a surface roughness of RA < on 0.8. This ensures a protection against microbial deposits and an easy to clean of all contaminated surfaces.

All non-metallic wetted parts are FDA compliant and approved for the pharmaceutical industry. Another feature of the pharmaceutical dispenser is a 3.1 certificate for all of the metal parts. The lower limit was with the previous pump types and sizes limited quantity to be dispensed to about 2 ml. With this new development we can cover now the range % and the comfort of the valveless metering to 0.2 ml with the usual dosing accuracy of 1. In addition, the pharmaceutical dispenser are dead space optimized and have a lock chamber with Luer-lock connectors and a seal package developed specifically for the pharmaceutical industry. The stainless steel actuator is hygienically encapsulated, suitable for a wet cleaning and is available in a single cable solution. The pharmaceutical dispenser can be disassemble completely without tools in few minutes and assemble.

The wetted parts can be simply sterilize in an autoclave after cleaning. As the pump outlet are an end piece with PharmCom clamp or a newly developed adapter to the thread – and sealless recording of different Fulldusengeometrien or a Luer Adapter for standard fill needles to choose from. ViscoTec offers the ideal system with this new development to media with microcapsules or bacterial suspensions process secure, to destructive and highly precise dosing. Other applications are accurate filling of high-priced pharmaceuticals, used in 2 K systems and uniform dosages of caterpillars, etc. in the areas of pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medicine or in the food industry. The ViscoTec pump u. Dosiertechnik GmbH ViscoTec pump u. Dosiertechnik GmbH has worldwide almost 100 employees and in Toging metering systems and components that are used for example for the application of glue tracks in fully automated Assembly processes and covers in a wide sector of the aviation industry up to micro-electronics manufactures off. In addition, dosing systems, fillers and barrel emptying units are manufactured for the cosmetics, pharmaceutical and food industry.

Discopter Technology

Discopter (circular wing) technology identifies new propulsion for ships, aircraft, pumps, water turbines (turbine) n Discopter refers to a machine that creates a flow in gases or fluids (fluids), is a star of a center outwards. technology investor will undoubtedly add to your understanding. To create such a flow can be used for example radial impellers. Due to the rotation of the wheel, a vacuum is created in the Center, which draws the liquid or gas. A higher pressure to the outside wheel of the impeller, resulting in total this flow to the flow kind of wing, now flows to the circular wing the to the a ring is bent together. Due to the Special geometry of the circular wing, a buoyancy force (pressure) is created in the flow and the Diskopter is powered. 1.1 Discopter – product description of the Diskopter is a flying machine, that similar to a helicopter vertical take off and land can (VTOL vertical take-off and landing). In the current stage of development, he is unmanned (UAV unmanned aerial vehicle) and remote-controlled and can be compared with the construction of a helicopter, or exploit its control software available on the market.

In a helicopter, the force to the upgrade and the feed is generated by the spinning rotor blades. The principle is similar to an airplane wing. Propeller used also in the form of the propeller to drive ships, U messengers, diving robots, etc. Propeller drives have serious drawbacks that could not be solved by the previous global research and development work: risk of injury and risk of damage to human, animal, environment and the management system itself, through the rotating propeller blades and the flow pressure (example: helicopter landing) and a restricted range undesirable performance loss due to the emergence of air vortices on the wingtips and propeller-driven systems are a reduced efficiency difficult to control and require Therefore, complex and expensive sensors and control systems the optimum shape of the propeller is very difficult to calculate and must be determined in elaborate measurements of channel propeller in the water produce short-lived steam bubbles, which release energy at their disintegration, which destroy the propellers (cavitation).

Sustainable Technologies

Sahil rises to the Mission of the decision for the production of very powerful, so light underwater lights in the compact construction measure in the House is Sahasi of three essential backgrounds determined sustainable construction. “To the one of this innovative product lacked the market”, explains managing director Diplom Kaufmann Dietmar Rogg, “on the other hand the demand towards health, sustainability, individuality has changed. Filed under: Clinton Family. Due to the English spelling of “Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability”, LOHAS is called these consumers. Still the seventh Millennium goal of the United Nations ‘environmental sustainability’ became increasingly the focus of the public.” Also through our own research, the LED emerge technology for underwater floodlights as the only real “green technology”. “Fascinated by the possibilities of the creative use of this technology and the enormous electric savings, 2007 fell the decision not only white light (LED), but also products with” to develop”coloured light (RGB-LED), Dietmar Rogg introduces the product,”as previously colored light under water either was only fix was made possible by rotating color departure and thus awkward, we saw a completely different dimension for product development and application. Not only the color in the pool, but through the coupling to the home automation should be allowed a synchronous color in the garden, pool and building the customer.” On this year’s Cologne aquanale, the company provides the latest generation of Lynx underwater light above. The product was completely redesigned, equipped with latest Platinentechnlogie, LED, RGB and provided with a completely revised control technology.

Powerful swimming pool pumps unleash forces that work in secret. Sahil proves with his brand fluvo pumps, that strength, innovation and energy efficiency are not contradictions. The optimo-F is unique worldwide in the premium compact class Water circulation pumps with up to 400 cubic meters per hour flow. The pre-filter is not PE as with other pumps made of metal, but from corrosion-resistant and high-strength polymer (plastic), has a lightweight and is easy to install. A low noise level and vibration-damping properties through the pre-filter are a major plus against structure-borne sound in the buildings. The smooth surface increases the efficiency to 84 per cent. The pumps are controllable through frequency converters and motors of efficiency class 2 and 3 available. With Sahil developed 360-degree mounting technique, the optimo-F for any connection angle can be aligned horizontally.

This is a consistent and cost-reducing response to increasing wear and tear due to bad water corrosion and high energy costs. The technical selection of the required pump output occurs the pump selection program of Sahil, which uses not only flow and flow in relation with PSpro +. It plays out its strengths, if it comes to that maximum energy savings, taking into account costs and benefits are. “Not only energy efficiency, but also sustainable construction are part of a holistic approach to sustainable product development for us,” Dietmar Rogg can finally know. Address Sahasi GmbH + Co. KG Dietmar Rogg In the pranksters 9-11 D-72072 Tubingen + 49 (0) 7071 7008-0 press contact wellness & media Phillip is 02214537373 description of the company the company Sahasi Wolter aft InStr 32 50678 Cologne leading provider of comprehensive, high-performance pump technology. In the swimming pool equipment, the Enterprise creates fascinating worlds of water and specializes in swimming pool attractions. The fluvo brand stands for multiple excellent innovative technology, which implements the game of water, light and air, following in the footsteps of nature individually.

Stahl Temperature

Exhibits DIAS infrared as a specialist for non-contact temperature measurement on heat treatment Congress in Wiesbaden on October 9-11 an international specialist audience will meet at the Harterei Congress in Wiesbaden. The event will be interpreted in german and English. At the same time, a comprehensive trade fair takes place attended by 160 exhibitors. Among them is to find the slides of infrared in Hall 2, booth 218. DIAS infrared from Dresden develops and manufactures instruments such as infrared cameras and pyrometer for non-contact temperature measurement. A wide range of applications can be found in the process monitoring and control, for example, in the manufacture of steel or hardening of metals. In the measurement of metals, it is important that the instruments in the spectral range of 1.4 to 1.8 m. Standard measurement with 8-14 m here incorrect results and is not recommended. Add to your understanding with technology investor.

Therefore it is all the more important, comprehensive advice regarding the measuring problem solving takes place prior to the purchase of the instrument. Service and consulting are taken very seriously at DIAS. “Through the use of non-contact temperature measurement you can achieve even hard to reach areas,” performs application engineer Daniel Wagner. Fiber optic Pyrometer with separate probe for pinpoint measurement are especially space-saving and can be mounted even in confined spaces. Another advantage is the possibility of infrared measurement technology manufacturing processes such as in the continuous casting continuously and in real-time to monitor. Just in the production of metals and metal alloys, it arrives at during the welding or induction hardening on a precise temperature to achieve optimal strength.

The continuous monitoring of the production processes is possible with infrared line cameras and pyrometers of slides. For example, delivers the line cameras temperature profiles in the range from 0 to 1300 C, which can be evaluated in detail using the included software. Deviations, the production manager can directly and promptly react and thus save costs by improperly manufactured components. (Katrin Schindler) Image source: Stahl-Zentrum: Salzgitter AG, SMS group