Technogym Kinesis

Cantilever arms made of a special aluminium alloy lead cables and are to the technological experience of the manufacturer Technogym. Three joint systems in each arm, inside of which runs a wire rope, that looks very aesthetic and is also soundproof. A transparent handle that is pleasant to touch, is magnetic and can be attached to the joints of the arm in rest position. Go to Topaz Page-Green for more information. Fullgravity Technogym has a patent on it, provides you with endless freedom of movement, the special system makes possible fluid movements in all directions. In the design of the display, new ways were gone. A particularly user-friendly interface allows the selection of the desired resistance with a small movement. For more information see this site: Topaz Page-Green.

Only the controller must be pressed in the middle of the wall and have seen a resistance between 1 and 20 on the scale touch display on the digital soft. Technogym Kinesis 200 exercises on one square meter, that are ideal for the physical activity in your own home. This product exclusively shop can be ordered in the fitness equipment, design and biomechanics of a unit, which is there in a small space and is therefore uniquely innovative form. In unused condition, Kinesis is nice to look at and requires virtually no floor space. With Technogym Kinesis personal, can be used for personal training special offers, get your personal trainer online in the living room, and can launch into the world of Technogym Kinesis.

With Kinesis, you will improve your strength, your posture, coordination and flexibility in a short time. Several programs are available, these include wellness including weight reduction, sports, toning for General toning of abdominal and back and butt and legs. Kinesis as the ultimate engine in conjunction with a cardio workout on the treadmill on the way to a healthy and vital future. Her personal trainer Horst waiter

Southern California Risk

/ Electromagnetic fields generated by frequencies of such devices are considered to be possibly carcinogenic to humans. One study found a 40% increase in the risk of brain cancer among users employing thirty minutes a day over a period of ten years. The World Health Organization (who) and the International Agency for research in Cancer (IARC) have linked the use of mobile phones with a possible risk of brain cancer in humans. Both organizations have said this Tuesday in Lyon (Southeast France) electromagnetic fields generated by frequencies of such devices are considered to be possibly carcinogenic to humans and therefore are classified in Category 2B. WHO and IARC based its decision of that classification in the evidence on the impact of these electromagnetic fields in the origin of gliomas, a malignant type of brain cancer. Although not quantified the risk, the WHO-IARC working group referred to a study, with data up to 2004, detected a 40% increase in the risk of glioma among the most frequent users of mobile, i.e. those who employed them average thirty minutes a day over a period of ten years.

However, he explained that the evidence of the risk of glioma and acoustic neuroma are limited to mobile users, which means that there is an association positive credible between exposure to the agent and cancer, but that other factors in the development of this can not be excluded. The head of the working group formed by the who and IARC, Jonathan Samet of the University of Southern California, said that the evidence gathered so far are solid enough () for the classification of the type 2B. Evidence limited carcinogenicity this category is one that the IARC uses to identify environmental factors that can increase the risk of cancer in humans and between the There are chemical substances, occupational exposures, and biological, and physical agents among others. Since 1971, the IARC has analyzed more than 900 agents, of which approximately 400 have been identified as carcinogenic or potentially carcinogenic to humans. Group 2B includes agents which have a limited carcinogenicity in humans and the 2A evidence those who are probably carcinogenic to humans. In the first group, 1?, the IARC includes agents for which has sufficient evidence that are carcinogenic to humans.

The conclusion of the working group which presented its results in Lyon is that there could be some risk and that, therefore, we must closely monitor the link between mobile phones and cancer risk, said Samet. Christopher Wild, IARC director, added that, given the potential consequences of these results, this classification for public health, it is important that investigation into more long-term intensive use of mobile. In the absence of such information, it is important to take pragmatic measures to reduce exposure to devices such as the handsfree or sending text messages, said Wild. Source of the news: who warns of the possible risk of brain cancer by the use of mobile


PInEIRA AND WORK RIGHT. The choice of Sebastian Pineira us is demonstrating how the progressive forces have always wrong the way ahead the road of revisionism by trying to use the path of the bourgeois system for alleged construction of the new State, without exploited without exploiters. That road is wrong for the simple example that in a house outside you do not you can impose conditions, for being outside home, in which the class enemy, in this case imposes conditions for development and society movement. What did the revisionism in Chile is to give opportunity to the bourgeoisie from accumulating forces and wash face after years in which ruled Chile and imposed a genocidal dictatorship to impose a bourgeois economic system, in which the revisionists rescued for to convince the masses that this was the way of the peace of the graveyards. Was o not so? How many dead there was after the coup to Salvador Allende, who was a naive revisionist, that by such it paid more than his intention to change the system bourgeois of exploitation, which now has been asserted with the enthronement of Sebastian Pineira, but with the face wash: this confuses the mass in Chile, which brought as a collation that the masses confused as hope to bourgeois forces such as Exchange.

They have given to the masses some blinders that misrepresent what view view, your eyes see, but they will never receive what is. But there is also a revisionism of left, such as Guzman in the Peru, mistakenly wanted to fight a war in the manner of medieval dictatorships with hatch Marxist. Firstly the Peru is not a nation. What represents the Peru is a small sub-group of Creoles that have assaulted and imposed its dictatorship with fierce hand to other Nations; many of them who suffer from misogyny, unable to respond, due to the lack of leadership that hopefully nest in your heart with the Grupo taki.