
The process of printing at Thermorollen thermal structure of Thermorollen paper base the paper base is a wood-free paper, developed and produced especially for the demands on thermal paper. Thus it is aligned from the beginning on the quality of the final product. Only high quality products and tools are used. Dash above the paper base is with a stroked out accidentally. This is the guarantee that there is a uniformly smooth surface on which the Thermocoating is applied. This encourages a high resolution line above and therefore supports a high resolution.

In addition, a heat discharge into the paper is prevented. Thus optimized he stroked in the sensitive properties of the Thermostriches. Thermocoating the Thermocoating absolutely consists of three elemtare things: a) dye, b) co re Aktant and c) the melting point regulator. At the market of heat energy, a chemical reaction which brings a discoloration or blackening of the paper unfolds. The actual Thermocoating consists in the Of three elements: dye, co-re Aktant and the melting point regulator. Application of thermal energy produces a chemical reaction, which then causes the discoloration or blackening of the paper. Protection line as last a protection line comes on the Thermostich.

This is applied in order to protect the surface from influences. Brwon from outside are E.g. environmental conditions such as high humidity or water chemistry influence: fats, varnishes, oils etc. Mechanical influences such as E.g. scratches the life of the print head is also increased by the protection bar on the front. Back stroke back strokes, is important if the paper influences such as: adhesives (adhesive when using labels) or plasticizers is exposed. Also improved the printability and the plan concerns of the paper under different climatic conditions with special back strokes. See also Thermorollen1