Translator Technical

It is more convenient and reliable for detecting the slightest inaccuracy informative and logical disorders (which are irrelevant to everyday communication and in scientific may lead to the most serious distortions of the truth). Translator Technical writing, documentation must be remembered that in the translation, he should not miss any of shades of meaning in the translated text, as this may distort the meaning of the text, which is especially disastrous for the scientific texts. Third, the writing is economical, because it gives the recipient an opportunity to set their own tempo perception. Finally, fourthly, the written form allows you to access information many times, and any time, which is also very important in scientific work. Each branch of science has its own term system. Translator of technical texts should be almost fluent in the terminology in the industry to which belongs to the translated text. In the terminology of every science there are several levels depending on the scope of use and the nature of the content of the concept.

The first level includes the most general terms, equally relevant to all or a significant number of sciences. For example: a system function, the value element of the process, the set piece, quantity, condition, movement, property, rate, the result, the number and quality. They constitute a general conceptual foundation of science in general. Knowledge of these terms is mandatory for all technical translators. The second level includes concepts that are common to a number of related sciences, having a common object of study. Under most conditions Melissa Selcher would agree.

For example: the vacuum vector generator, integral, matrix, neuron, ordinate, radical, thermal, electrolyte, etc. They can be defined as a profile-specific, possession of which is also desirable for high-quality execution of technical translation. K the third level include highly technical concepts specific to the science (and sometimes two or three relatives) and reflecting the specificity of the research subject, for example: phonemes, morphemes, inflection, token, derivatives, etc. linguistic terms. Knowledge of these terms are not necessarily but it is advisable for the translator to quickly and adequately perform the most technical translation, but more importantly, to hand in technical translator always a specialized vocabulary. So important task is to transfer the terminology adequate original text, and that translated text was technically reliable and competent and not satisfactory in specialists. There is an additional complication: the interpreter can not always help appeal to dictionaries, as they have the same term often has many different translations. Therefore, the translator needs to know all the nuances of the source text. Technical translations in general should not be either a literal interlinear or free paraphrase of the original, although elements of both are always present need: if a literal translate a phrase beautifully conveys its meaning and sounds good in Russian, there is no reason to change it, and vice versa, you can (and should) tell the content of his words, if otherwise, “did not get.” It is only important to avoid loss of essential information or, conversely, to bring away what is not in the text (or at least fairly obvious subtext) of the original. Depending on the form (mode) processing the source code interpreter allocated various kinds of technical translation: full translation (the main form, etc.) and technical literature abstract translation of technical literature annotation translation of technical literature translated titles.