Trends In Elearning Barriers Modalities And Future Of Elearning

E-learning is the use of the technologies of information and communication (technology ICT) to generate, disseminate and manage educational content. E-learning is generally associated with the web, but this is not necessarily so. Recent trends marked that the educational content in digital format through the web. For this reason, in general terms, it could be said that e-learning is the use of information technology specifically linked to the web, so that the student can interact with an educational content, the teacher interacts with students, and all this through a platform implemented via the Internet, specifically for the web. Different forms of e-learning e-learning can be categorized different points of view.

One of the most important distinctions is the e-learning pure versus the blended learning or e-learning mixed; a mix between the virtual and the presencial. The trend seems to be in favour of blended learning, which has 2 main focuses, one is the basically instructor-led with the support of the e-learning, i.e., the teacher dictates your class normally but it has the support of e-learning as a reinforcement where the student can make queries to the teacher, communicate between if with their peers; and, as a second focus, the e-learning course which is based on the same e-learning, but that has face-to-face support, in such a way of supplying some shortcomings of the purely virtual communication. A second distinction between modes of e-learning has to do with the times in which the learning process takes place. That is, if the technologies are synchronous; real time; or asynchronous; deferred. The first model that was developed, because of the simplicity of its technology since it requires fewer resources, is the asynchronous e-learning. In asynchronous e-learning teachers upload content and student consultation according to their time. The student manages and administers the times dedicated to learning, in relation to the content, as in participation activities; forums evaluations, etc.