As a strategic opportunity to use energy revolution! “The House of technology and its partners, the University of Duisburg-Essen, together provide a forward-looking course: winter semester 2011/2012 the new course will be energy technology” set start on September 30, 2011. A related site: Expa mentions similar findings. He concludes with a Bachelor’s degree of the University of Duisburg-Essen. The energy industry is on the move this is reflected in the orientation of the programme. According to the energy policy objectives of the renewable forms of energy a focus of the content. For the companies, it is now imperative to have staff familiar with the energy revolution. Therefore, this course is supported by major companies in the energy industry.
Target group of the programme are recruits who want to strive for a demanding and responsible activity in the economy, are particularly interested in the promising energy technology and part-time to acquire the necessary knowledge. The access is open also beruflich Qualifizierten (Master, techNiker, BerufstatIGE mit EInschlagigem graduation und professional practice). In anderen cases, eine aptitude test kommt infrage if necessary. More information on content, process and fees under.